Friday, August 29, 2008


I started the Master Cleanse with a couple of friends on Tuesday so today is DAY 4. From the beginning, I haven't been terribly hungry but with normal hunger you start to feel hungry and then it progresses. When I get hungry with this, it's like all of a sudden I feel like I'm going to die if I don't get something RIGHT NOW! So I have my lemonade close by and whenever I get hungry, have some water/tea/lemonade.

Now this morning, I still have not had any lemonade despite having been up for an hour and a half because when I got to work, I made some mint tea and have my bottle of water next to me. Drinking is pretty constant throughout the day, but when I NEED sustenance, I go for the lemonade. I brought two 32ish oz. bottles of lemonade to work but don't want to go through it too quickly because once I'm out, I have to wait until I get home and today is a 10-hour day. Today's batch of lemonade has slightly less cayenne pepper because I noticed yesterday that my tastebuds are starting to feel a bit numb.

I've noticed (and it describes this in the book) that I have more mucus in my throat. I am slightly more congested, but my throat is pretty covered so I am constantly trying to swallow, since I never learned to spit. I have a slight fever, but all in all feel pretty good. I think I'm going to try and do it through next Sunday, September 7, which will be 13 days but it's a very doable goal.

We'll see how it goes...