Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wakeboards and mosquito bites

Beaucoup mosquito bites!

A couple weekends ago, I was down in Saratoga Springs with some friends and wakeboarded for the first time this summer. We had a blast out on the boat on Saturday evening and Sunday day. Saturday after we came off the lake, we were hanging around outside for just a bit when Skip told me that we were surrounded by a cloud of mosquitoes, and that we should probably head in. I told him that I don't get mosquito bites, which is my standard answer when people start complaining about the little buggers. In actuality, I do get bites, but I've decided that I must not be allergic to mosquitoes because the bites do not itch. I get little red dots that go away after a few days. John said the same thing, and sure enough, when Sunday rolled around, he and I were COVERED with bites. I have, literally, about 40 bites on my right shoulder and arm and I counted at least 35 on my right foot and leg. I've never met anyone else like me that gets bites, but doesn't get irritated by them. So here's to having blood like mine (and John's, I guess): Too bad most of you don't.