Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Common Courtesy?

Perhaps I am slightly stuck in the ideal of the days before cell phones when people had to be where they said they would be, and do the things they said they would do or endure the wrath of their angry and/or disappointed friends, family, colleagues, and coexisting beings.

On a slightly unrelated note: If someone was doing a favor for you, I would think that you would be inclined to be kind to that person, and if the situation involving that favor changed, I would think that that person would be the first to know. I would think. However, that line of thinking is apparently incorrect, inferring from my recent experience.

The complete lack of respect and regard for others has me disappointed with the state of humanity. And I'm not one to feel down on myself (and those around me) simply because of a bad experience. But recently I have been on the receiving end of that disrespect and disregard, and it hurts. Someone in my life, that I care(d) about, completely dismissed my efforts to help. And this was after I had been ASKED to help. Now, this was no inconvenience for me whatsoever, but the absence of communication has me frustrated to no end. It has been eating at me ever since which bothers me even more because normally I don't hold on to things. In fact, I hardly ever even get mad so to be upset for over a week about this is quite troubling.

Okay, back to my considerate of friends, acquaintances, others in general, or at least be considerate to those you need something from. It will make your life and theirs a hell of a lot easier. And one more thing, I hate flaky people. There is almost nothing that bothers me more. So if you're going to be a flake, stay away from me.